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Access Roles in Wrike

Table 28. Availability






Use access roles to control what users (or user groups) can do within a shared folder, project, or space. There are four access roles to choose from: Full, Editor, Limited, or Read Only, and each role has a set of permissions. Enterprise account admins can customize the permissions for certain roles and can create new roles.

Access role limits

  • There must always be at least one person with the right to share a folder/project.

  • You can't change your own access role, even if there are other users who have full access to a folder, project, or space.

  • Permissions granted by an access role can’t exceed the rights granted by a license type, e.g., collaborators can’t create tasks even if they're granted full access to a folder or project.

  • You can't adjust permissions for the Read Only role.

  • Enterprise accounts can have up to 10 access roles.

Access role permissions

Below are the default settings for Business accounts. Admins on Enterprise accounts can customize these settings, and therefore, the list of permissions for each role can be different.





Read Only


Set Folder Permissions and Share





Add/remove Parent Folders and Tasks





Add/remove Followers





Duplicate Folders and Tasks





Folders and Projects

Create Folders/Projects





Rename Folders/Projects





Convert Folders/Projects





Edit Folder/Project Description





Edit Project Dates





Change Project Owner





Delete Folders/Projects





Edit Folder/Project Custom Fields





Add/remove Custom Fields





Change Folder's or Project's Default Workflow





Change Project Progress





Change Project Status





Change Folder/Project Color





Set Folder's or Project's Default View





Configure Folder/Project Views





Lock project time





Change project billing type





Excel import





Edit effort rollup





Edit booked effort rollup





Tasks and Subtasks

Create Tasks/Subtasks





Change Task Status





Edit Task Description





Edit Task Custom Fields





Rename Task





Modify Task Assignee





Edit Task Dates and Dependencies





Change Task Priority and Importance





Delete Tasks/Subtasks and Detach Subtasks





Change task billing type






View project financial details





Edit project financial details






Track Time





Add Attachments





Remove Attachments





Add/remove Comments






Manage calendar settings





Add/remove tasks on a classic calendar





Share a calendar





Delete a calendar






Delete Workload charts





Edit Title, Users list, and Folder





Edit Backlog Box





Share Workload chart






Share dashboard





Edit dashboard





Edit dashboard widget





Approvals and guest reviews

Create approvals





Edit others' approvals





Create and edit guest reviews





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