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Using Files View

Table 20. Availability






Files view is available for regular users on Professional accounts and up. The grid mode in Files view is available on Wrike for Marketers accounts or accounts with the Wrike Proof add-on.

List vs. Grid Layout in Files view

Switch between a standard list or grid-style layout by clicking the current view icon 1 in the top-right corner of the view and choosing between List or a Small, Medium, or Large grid.

  • List 2: View items in a list format. Use this view to display more on the screen and when file title and data are most important.

  • Grid 3: View file thumbnails in a grid layout. Use this view when you need to see a small version of the file and file data is less important. Adjust the size of the grid to see larger images or more files at once.


Change sorting in Files view

  1. Open a folder, project, or space in Files view 1.

  2. Click the current sorting option 2 (to the right of filtering options) at the top left of the view.

  3. Choose the sorting option you want to apply from the drop-down list 3.


The available sorting options are:

  • Upload date

  • File name (sorted alphanumerically)

  • Task or project title

  • Size

  • File owner

Filter files in Files view

You can apply filters to see only specific files in Files view.

  1. Open a folder, project, or space in Files view 1.

  2. Click Filters 2 on the top left side of the Files view, next to the filter icon.

  3. A filters panel opens on the right 3, where you can select the fields you want to filter by.


Available filters

  • Files in approval

  • Files in review

  • File type

  • Uploaded by

  • Upload date

  • Task status

  • Task assignee

  • Task due date

  • Task author

  • Task custom fields

Open the location where a file is stored

You can open the location where a file is stored directly from Files view.

  1. Open a folder, project, or space in Files view 1.

  2. Right-click a file.

  3. Click Open parent task or Open parent folder/project. 2
