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To upload a file attached from local storages to MediaValet:
Open a task, folder, or project with the file(s) you want to publish.
Select file(s) from the attachment list (under the description field).
Click Publish to MediaValet icon that appears above the list of attachments.
Log in to MediaValet.
From here you can:
Add a title to the file.
Add a description to the file.
Choose the MediaValet category (or several categories) where you want to add a file.
Add keywords from the list of existing keywords in MediaValet or create new ones.
Click Publish.
Files with the following symbols in their name won’t be published to MediaValet: *[]:/|\#?
You can also add one description to several files when publishing them to MediaValet:
Hover over the description field of one of the files.
Click the Apply to all files button which appears above the field.
The description from this field is copied over to all the earlier selected files upon publishing.
You can also right-click a file in the list of attachments and click Publish to MediaValet at the top of the list to publish a file.