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Automation actions are an integral part of automation rules. They are the “... THEN ...” statements that define what exactly should happen to tasks or projects that the automation rule applies to once the rule is triggered. Each rule can have up to 10 actions.
Action name |
Description |
Can be applied to |
Additional required setting |
Notes |
Change task/project status to |
Once the rule is triggered, this action changes the status of tasks or projects to the one that you specify. E.g., "If ..., then change task status to Completed." |
Tasks and projects |
If at least one of the selected workflow statuses is deleted from the account, the rule will be disabled. This action will override any Fixed Workflow settings you have for the selected workflow/status. Additionally, auto-assign and automated approvals set up in the selected workflow will be ignored if the status was changed via the automation rule. |
Add task/project to |
Once the rule is triggered, this action adds tasks or projects to a location(s) that you specify. E.g., "If ..., then add project to Marketing operations." |
Tasks and projects |
You can select up to 10 different locations where the projects or tasks will be added. If at least one of these destination folders, projects, or spaces is deleted, the automation rule will be disabled. |
Move task/project to |
Once the rule is triggered, this action moves tasks or projects to a location(s) that you specify. You can also specify if the tasks/projects should be removed from all folders, projects, or spaces that they have been located in before the rule is triggered. |
Tasks and projects |
You can select up to 10 different locations where the projects or tasks will be moved to and up to 10 locations they'll be moved from. If at least one destination folder, project, or space where the tasks/projects should be moved to or from is deleted, the automation rule will be disabled. |
Add comment or mention |
Once the rule is triggered, this action adds a comment to tasks or projects. Additionally, you can choose to @mention a specific user or a special user group. E.g., "If ..., then add a comment with @approvers and @Melanie Smith." |
Tasks and projects |
In the Preview section at the bottom, you can see how your comment will look like. NoteWhen the automation rule is triggered and the comment is created, the @author placeholder will be replaced with the actual name of the user who created the task or project. @approvers will also be replaced with the names of the approvers if there are any. Otherwise, it will be added to the comment as plain text. @followers will stay as-is and all users who follow the task or project will receive the notification. The author of all comments created via Automation is the Automation Bot. You can select up to 20 specific users or user groups to @mention in the comment. If at least one of them is deleted from the account, the rule will be automatically disabled. |
Assign task/project to |
Once the rule is triggered, this action adds user(s) that you specified as task assignees or project owners. Additionally, it can remove all existing assignees or owners from the tasks/projects. E.g., "If ..., then assign task to Melanie Smith." |
Tasks and projects |
You can select up to 20 task assignees or project owners per action. If at least one of them is deleted from the account, the automation rule will be disabled. |