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All users can view comments on work items that they have access to.
Comments allow users to leave notes on tasks, folders, and projects. You can view comments on all work items that you have access to.
Comments might not all be visible right away. Older comments are usually hidden to let you focus on more recent updates.
Open a task in Task view or navigate to a folder or project and then open the Folder or Project Info panel.
Comments are displayed in the Activity Stream under the task, folder, or project description.
If multiple comments or changes have been made, you may see the option to Show more updates. Click it to see additional comments or changes recorded in the Activity Stream.
Click the filter icon in the upper right-hand corner of a task, folder, or project Stream and select:
All updates to see all changes and comments related to the task, folder, or project.
Only comments to see only comments and the file attachment history.