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Editing Task Dependencies on the Gantt Chart

Table 16. Availability






You can edit task dependencies from the table portion of Gantt chart.

Edit task dependency

  1. Locate the task that you want to edit the dependency for in the table portion of the Gantt chart.

  2. Double-click the Predecessors column in a task's row. If you don't see it, click the gear icon in the table's upper left-hand corner and check the box next to Predecessors.

  3. Replace the text in the column with the row number of the task that should be the predecessor task or change the type of dependency by replacing the letters that follow the row number:

    1. FS – to create a finish to start dependency

    2. SS – to create a start to start dependency

    3. FF – to create a finish to finish dependency

    4. SF – to create a start to finish dependency


If you only enter a number then a finish to start dependency is created by default.


Can I edit the dependency from the timeline?

No, you can only delete the existing one and create another.
