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Tasks on the Gantt Chart

Table 4. Availability






The Gantt chart is made up of two parts: a table on the left and timeline on the right. The table portion shows a list of tasks and their attributes.

The timeline portion shows:

  • Scheduled tasks represented by bars that extend from a task's start date to end date.

  • Backlogged tasks with scheduled subtasks are represented by bars with striped diagonal lines, which extend from the earliest subtask’s start date to the latest subtask’s end date.

  • All other backlogged tasks are represented with a calendar icon.

From the Gantt chart you can:

Open a task from the Gantt chart

From the table:

  1. Hover over a task’s title.

  2. Click the icon that appears to the right of the title.

The task opens in an overlay Task view.

From the timeline:

  1. Click a taskbar in the timeline portion of the chart.

  2. Click a task’s title in the pop-up that appears.

The task opens in an overlay Task view. Alternatively, you can double-click the taskbar on the timeline to open the task.

Edit tasks on the Gantt chart

From the table:

  • Double-click a cell in the table and enter the new or updated information. Edit task title, assignee, status, start and end dates, and custom fields.

From the timeline:

  1. Click a taskbar in the timeline.

  2. Click the task’s title in the pop-up that appears.

An overlay of the Task view opens where you can edit task details. Close the task overlay to return to the Gantt chart.

Change task hierarchy on the Gantt chart

To change a task's position in the task hierarchy (subtask of a task, subtask of a subtask, etc.):

  1. Navigate to the table portion of the Gantt chart.

  2. Click the row of the task with a position you want to change. The row's color will become blue.

  3. Right-click anywhere in the row. From here you can:

    1. Indent – move the task one level deeper in the task hierarchy (i.e., convert a task to a subtask).

    2. Outdent – move the task one level up in the task hierarchy (i.e., convert a subtask into a task).

Alternatively, you can drag and drop tasks to convert them into subtasks or to change their location within one view. To do so, click and hold the number to the left of the task name in the table. Drag and drop it to a different task (to make it a subtask), to a parent folder/project (to make it a task if it's a subtask), or to a different folder/project to change the location.


Use keyboard shortcuts to indent/outdent tasks.

Change a task's duration from the Gantt chart

  1. Locate the task with a duration you want to change on the timeline.

  2. Hover over the taskbar’s left or right side so that your mouse turns into an arrow.

  3. Click and drag the bar to the left or right to shorten or extend the task’s duration.

Alternatively, you can change it from the table by changing the number in the duration cell.

Delete tasks on the Gantt chart

From the timeline:

  1. Click the bar representing the task you want to delete.

  2. Click the three-dot menu button and select Delete task.

From the table:

  1. Right-click the row with the task you want to delete.

  2. Select Delete.
