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Backlogged tasks are tasks that don't have scheduled start and end dates.
You can see backlogged tasks in the table portion of the Gantt chart. However, backlogged tasks aren't visible on the timeline portion of the Gantt chart (because they don't have scheduled start and end dates). You can see their names grayed out at the bottom of the timeline or if you click on the task in the table.
Schedule for today:
Find the backlogged task you want to schedule (in the table portion of the view).
Right-click a task's row.
Select Schedule for today.
Schedule for any dates:
Find the backlogged task you want to schedule (in the table portion of the view).
Hover your cursor over the timeline and place it in the task's row. You'll see a bar representing the task.
Move the cursor to the date you want the task to start.
Click and hold your left mouse button.
Move the cursor to the date you want to make the task's due date and release your mouse.