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All users (except collaborators) on all account types can schedule tasks. You can schedule tasks when creating them and any time later on.
In List view, you can set or change the start and due dates of a task by clicking the Calendar icon. Hover over a task in the list to see this option.
From Task view you can change the task dates by clicking the Set date button.
Set the start and due dates for your task and/or specify the duration in hours, minutes, or days to build a more precise schedule.
The predefined date options — today and tomorrow — support quick action choices. Click them to set the date and close the date picker.
When you schedule a task, note that the Working days only option is checked by default, meaning that only all weekdays are counted when calculating the end date of a task, based on its duration and start date. If you want weekends to be included in the calculation of the end date, please deselect the Working days only option.
Click the Clear dates option to deselect dates in the Start date and Due date fields.
Users on Wrike for Professional Services accounts or Business and Enterprise accounts with the Wrike Resource add-on can enable effort for the task from the date picker.
Navigate to a folder, project, or space where the task is located.
Switch to Table view.
Make sure that you see the Start date and Due date columns.
Locate the task in the list and double-click the cell in the Start date/Due date column.
Select the date in the date picker that opens.
Click anywhere outside the date picker to save changes.
If you change the duration of the task the due date is shifted according to the changes you've made.
Gantt Chart is available to all users on all paid accounts.
Navigate to a folder, project, or space where the task is located.
Switch to Gantt Chart.
If the task is not yet scheduled it appears at the bottom of the timeline. Click and drag it to the needed dates.
Release your mouse to schedule the task.
You can reschedule tasks the same way by dragging and dropping them on the timeline.
You can do so from Workload charts and Calendars.