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Removing Users From Spaces

Table 39. Availability






Space admins can remove users from spaces they manage.

As a space admin, you can remove any user, including other space admins, from the list of space members at any time.

Remove space members

  1. Navigate to the space.

  2. Click the gear icon 1 in the upper-right corner.

  3. Select Settings. 2

  4. In the Members section, hover over the name of the person you want to remove from the space.

  5. Click the X icon 3 that appears to the right.

  6. Click Save. 4

The removed user no longer sees the space on their Home page. If it’s a private space, then they can no longer access it. If it’s a public space, regular users can still find the space using the Explore Spaces option on the Home page and re-join.


Alternatively, you can edit the list of members from the space info panel by clicking Invite or edit members.
