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Table 9. Availability
Wrike Analyze |
Wrike for Marketers Performance |
Wrike for Professional Services Performance |
You can add multiple widgets to the analytics board anytime you need it. You can create custom widgets or select a template from the widget gallery.
Go to Reports and open the analytics board you want to add a widget to.
Click the Edit button in the upper-right corner of the workspace.
Click the +Widget button on the panel above the board.
In the window that opens, click +Custom widget.
Next, you can:
Select the type of widget you want to build and its design.
Select what data should be displayed.
Apply filters.
Select the values to be displayed on the widget.
Set a title for the widget.
After you set all data preferences, you can save your changes by clicking the Save button on the panel above the widget.
After you add all the required widgets to the board, you can rearrange them by dragging and dropping these widgets within one analytics board.
Open a board to which you want to add text.
Click the Edit button in the upper right-hand corner of the workspace.
Click the T button that appears on the panel above the board.
Add text to the board using rich text editor.
After you’re finished, save your changes by clicking the Save button on the panel above the board.