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Formulas in Wrike Analyze

Table 12. Availability

Wrike Analyze

Wrike for Marketers Performance

Wrike for Professional Services Performance


Formulas are custom calculations performed on one or more fields in your data. They offer an important way to analyze results and express business logic. Using formulas in your widgets helps you to build expressions on various fields from various objects in your data, for example:

  • Count tasks, projects, or other objects, total or under certain condition

  • Sum timelogs, custom fields, and other data

  • Reference custom fields

  • Calculate date or numeric field differences

  • Calculate averages

  • Perform complex business calculations

  • Refer only to data matching specific criteria and conditions


All formulas in Wrike Analyze widgets must return numeric values. You can reference any non-numeric data, but the outcome will still be numeric. For example, you can calculate the difference between Project Start Date and Due Date (duration), but it will be expressed as a number, e.g. number of days.

Types of formulas

The table below provides a reference to the main formula functions available in Wrike Analyze.



Types and Syntax

Perform calculation based on criteria

Measured value

Value Filters: ≠ , =, >, <, between

Text Filters: Contains, Doesn't Contain, Doesn't End With, Doesn't Start With, Ends With, Start With, Equals, Not Equal

List Filter: Include, Exclude

Ranking Filters: Top, Bottom Ranking

Time Filter: Date and Calendar

Combine data/apply simple mathematics

Aggregate functions

Operator: +,-,*,/

Aggregate: Sum()

Average: Avg()

Count: Count(), DupCount()

Range: Max()/Min()

Summarize data

Statistical function

Central Tendency: Median(), Model, Largest()

Std Deviation and Variance: Stdev(), Stdevp(), Varp(), Var()

Quartile and Percentile: Quartile(), Percentile()

Accumulate data

Rolling sum/average

Sum to Date: YTDSum(), QTDSum, MTDSum()

Avg to Date: YTDAvg, QTDAvg, MTDAvg()

Compare Time or Trends

Time functions

Past Periods: PastYear(), PastQuarter(), PastMonth(), Next(), Prev()

Growth Trend: Growth(), GrowthRate()

Time Difference: YDiff(), QDiff(), MDiff(), DDiff(), HDiff(), MnDiff(), SDiff()
