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Customizing Workload Charts

Table 12. Availability

Wrike Resource

Wrike for Professional Services

Wrike for Professional Services Performance


All users, except for collaborators, can customize Workload charts that they have access to unless their access role restricts it.

You can change what and how information is displayed on the Workload chart. Any changes that you make while customizing the chart view are only visible to you.

Customize Workload charts

Group tasks by their projects

Click the Add grouping button in the cart's settings panel and select Project. Each user’s tasks are automatically grouped by the projects that they're housed in.

The tasks are grouped by the closest parent project. For example, if a task is housed within a folder that’s housed within a project, the task will be grouped with other tasks from that project.

If a task doesn’t have any parent projects, it’s grouped under Non-project tasks.


You won’t be able to create new tasks on the Workload chart if grouping by project is enabled.

Group users by job role

Click the Add grouping button and select Job role.

All users on your chart are automatically grouped by their allocated job roles. Users without a job role are grouped under the No job role section.

Change the way allocated effort is displayed on the grid

Click the drop-down in the upper-right corner of the view (to the left of the Backlog Box button) and select one of the three options:

  • Hours: The total allocated effort of each user for the day/week/month is displayed in hours. This is the default option.

  • Percentages: The total allocated effort is displayed as a percentage. E.g., if a user's daily capacity is 8 hours, the total allocated effort of 4 hours will be displayed as 50% for that day in the daily zoom.

  • Full-time equivalents (FTE): The total allocated effort is displayed as a decimal number. E.g., if a user has a daily capacity of 8 hours and a 5-day workweek, 1 FTE = 8h/day or 40h/week. If that user has 4 hours of allocated effort for a day, it'll be displayed as 0.5 FTE in the cell on the daily zoom. If the user has 30 hours of effort allocated in a week, the cell will show 0.75 FTE on the weekly zoom.

    When grouping by job role is enabled, the FTEs of all people who are grouped together are added up. If three grouped users have an 8-hour daily capacity, two of them have 8 hours of allocated effort, and the third one has 4 hours allocated, the cell of the job role under which they are grouped will display 2.5 FTE.

Change the zoom level of the calendar grid

Change zoom to see the daily or weekly effort total assigned to each user. Click the drop-down menu icon in the upper-right corner of the grid and select days or weeks.

Alternatively, click the + or - buttons next to the drop-down to zoom in or out of daily/monthly views and select how many days/weeks should be displayed on the chart at the same time.


There's also a monthly view available for Workload charts. It's an experimental feature that you can enable in Labs.

Change display density

You can choose between compact or standard density modes depending on your preferences:

  • Click the three-dot menu button on the chart settings panel.

  • Select Compact or Standard.


The default display density for Workload charts is standard.

Filter tasks on Workload chart

Apply filters to see only the tasks that match the criteria you select:

  • Click the filter icon on the settings panel and select one of the quick filters: All tasks, All active tasks, and Active tasks with Effort.

  • Click Add more filters to open the filter panel with additional filtering options.

  • Click Clear filters to remove all filters and see all tasks from the location you selected when creating the chart.

Daily allocation hours

You can choose whether or not the total daily effort for each user should be based on their filtered-out tasks in the Workload chart.

  1. Click the three-dot menu button on the chart settings panel.

  2. Select one of the following options under Daily allocation hours:

    1. Ignore filters: add up effort for all tasks assigned to a person and scheduled for a particular day or week, whether or not those tasks are displayed in the chart

    2. Displayed tasks only: exclude effort in filtered-out tasks from being added to the daily or weekly total for each user

Focus on particular users

You can select which users should be shown on the Workload chart without editing the list of users. To do so:

  1. Click the All users icon on the chart settings panel.

  2. Select the person whose effort should be displayed from the list that appears, or use the search bar.

  3. After you've selected all the necessary users, click anywhere outside the window to save the changes.


You can select only users from the Workload chart you're viewing.

Focus on task assignees

Use this option only for tasks with more than one assignee to see the allocated hours of all assignees of a particular task:

  1. Click the relevant task on the Workload chart.

  2. Click the three-dot menu in the pop-up that appears.

  3. Select Focus on task assignees.

Only the task assignees will be shown on the Workload chart.

Expand or collapse chart rows

You can quickly expand or collapse all rows of your Workload chart to display tasks. To do that, click the Expand all or Collapse all buttons on the chart settings panel.


The expand or collapse action also applies to rows in the horizontal Backlog Box.
