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All users, except for collaborators, can use Workload charts.
Use Workload charts to manage your team members’ capacity, prioritize tasks based on their capacity, and plan work allocation.
An essential part of the Workload charts is Backlog Box, which contains tasks that you can assign to users on a Workload chart. Please visit the Backlog Box page to learn more about it.
User list
Users selected during the chart creation appear on the left side.
Calendar grid
On the grid you can see the total daily or weekly amount of allocated effort per user.
There's also a monthly view available for Workload charts. It's an experimental feature that you can enable in Labs.
Gray cells represent non-working days. On weekly view, weekends are visible only when you drag and drop tasks or create new ones.
Today’s date is marked with a red vertical line on the grid.
Drag the grid to the left to see previous time periods or drag right to see the future ones. Alternatively, use the < and > buttons in the upper-right corner of the chart to see other time periods. And use the Today button to bring today's date back into view.
Allocated effort
The calendar grid part of the chart shows a user’s workload. Wrike adds up effort required for all tasks assigned to a person and scheduled for a particular day or week and shows the number in this day’s or week’s column and this user’s row. You can choose to display total effort in hours, percentages, or full-time equivalents modes.
Wrike uses a color-coding system to show how busy a person is. If the total effort of a user is:
0 hours: The cell is white.
From 0 to total capacity (eight hours daily by default): A portion of the cell representing the occupied time is a light color of the task's status.
Over the total capacity (over eight hours by default): The cell is red.
On weekly view, a cell will be colored red if the total user's capacity for at least one of the days in the week is over the limit, even if the total weekly capacity is not exceeded.
You can also set a custom allocation limit for each user on the chart whose workdays differ from eight hours. In this case, the cell color will depend on the individual settings.
When grouping by job role is enabled on the chart, the cells of the job roles are also color-coded according to the total effort allocation of all users with that job role.
The job role's cell will be colored red if the effort of one or more users with that role exceeds their total capacity, even if the total capacity of all users is not exceeded.
Only scheduled assigned tasks appear on Workload charts.
Tasks are represented by bars that extend from the task’s start to end date.
The bars are color-coded based on the task’s status. Tasks with specified effort have brighter colored bars than tasks without it.
Click the caret icon to the left of a user’s name to display the tasks assigned to them on the calendar grid.
The horizontal red line above some tasks means that these tasks have the flexible effort type and the total effort is different from the sum of allocated hours.
You can create new tasks directly on a Workload chart.