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Billable Time in Wrike

Table 40. Availability

Wrike Resource

Wrike for Professional Services

Wrike for Professional Services Performance


The billable time setting allows you to set up the projects and tasks that your employees work on as billable or non-billable in one click. You can filter and group tasks and projects to see which ones you need to bill your customers or pay contractors for.

Billing type can be applied to:

  • Projects: Set the billing type when you create the project or change it later.

  • Tasks: When you create a task, the system automatically checks the billing type of the project that the task is housed within and sets the task billing type the same as that of the project. For example, if your billable project contains a folder and you create a task in that folder, the task will be set as billable by default. But you can manually change the task to non-billable.


    When you create a task in a folder that's tagged in both a billable and a non-billable project, this task will be set as billable by default.

  • Time entries: All entries inherit their billing type from their tasks. Unlike the billing type of tasks and projects, the time entries’ billing type can't be changed manually. But when you change the billing type of a task that has time entries, all its entries also automatically change their billing type.


Billing type can't be applied to folders and spaces. Tasks that are created and housed only within folders or directly in spaces are non-billable by default. But you can change their billing type in Table view.

The billing type of projects and tasks is signified by the circled $ icon at the top of their project info panel or Task view. If the icon is white, the item is non-billable. On billable items the icon is blue. You can also check the billing type in Table view under the Billing type column (you may need to add the column to the view first to see it).

Track billable hours

All users who work on tasks in Wrike, except for collaborators, can track their working time using two ways:

When you add a time entry using either of the methods mentioned above, it’s automatically marked as billable or non-billable, depending on the task’s billing type.


Use Wrike’s mobile apps for Android and iOS to add time entries in timesheets on the go. In both apps, you can add Timesheets to the main screens for easy access and set up daily or weekly notifications that’ll remind you to add time entries.

Android users can also integrate Google Calendars with Timesheets and easily add time spent on meetings and other scheduled tasks. Plus, the Android app will automatically calculate the billable and non-billable time totals, provide a weekly summary, and highlight tasks that require attention.
