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Adding Custom Fields to Folders, Projects, or Spaces

Table 6. Availability






All users, except for collaborators, can add existing custom fields to folders, projects, and spaces unless their access role restricts it.

You can add existing custom fields created by you or shared with you by other users to tasks, folders, projects, and spaces that you have access to. This allows you to:

  • Reuse existing fields by adding them to completely separate folders, projects, or spaces

  • Make fields from subfolders and subprojects visible in their parent work items.

Add an existing custom field from Table view

  1. Navigate to the folder, project, or space you want to add the field to.

  2. Switch to Table view.

  3. Click the + sign that appears on the right side of the table.

  4. Begin typing the name of the custom field you want to add.

  5. Click on the custom field when it appears in the list.

By default, the field is added as the rightmost column in the table, but you can rearrange the columns in Table view.

Add an existing custom field from the custom field management panel

  1. Navigate to the folder, project, or space you want to add the field to.

  2. Open the custom field management panel.

  3. Click +New field.

  4. Begin typing the name of the custom field you want to add.

  5. Click on the custom field when it appears in the list.

Alternatively, if the custom field that you want to add to the current project, folder, or space is already added to any of its child items, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the folder, project, or space you want to add the field to.

  2. Open the custom field management panel.

  3. Right-click the field you want to add.

  4. Select Add to this folder/project.

After you complete the steps, the field will be added to the current folder, project, or space, and it will automatically become visible on all items inside it. You can edit the custom field to change the field’s visibility settings.

Add custom fields from child items to parent folders, projects, or spaces

  1. Navigate to the parent folder, project, or space where you want to add the custom fields from its child items.

  2. Switch to Table view.

  3. Click the gear icon in the table’s upper-left corner.

  4. Check or uncheck the box next to the name of the custom field that you want to add to the current folder, project, or space from child items.

After you complete the steps, the custom field you checked will become visible and editable on the parent item. It also might become visible on everything inside that parent item depending on its properties.


Is there a limit to the number of fields I can add to a folder, project, or space?

No, there’s no limit. You can add as many fields as you need.

Why don’t I see a custom field I want to add in the list?

This may happen for a few reasons:

  1. First, check if you entered the name of the field correctly.

  2. You might not have the permission to add custom fields to the current folder, project, or space because of your access role in this location. You can ask the team member who shared that folder, project, or space with you to update your access role or add the custom field for you.

  3. The field that you want to add might not be shared with you. In that case, ask the person who created the field to share it with you.

I added a custom field, but I don’t see it on the task/folder/project. Why not?

One of the custom field properties allows limiting where the field is visible. For example, when you add a custom field to a space and this field is set to be visible on projects only, you will see the field on all projects within the space but not on any folder or tasks. You can always edit the custom field’s visibility settings, but any changes you make are applied to all folders, projects, and spaces where this field is used.
