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All users, except for collaborators, can remove and hide custom fields from folders, projects, or spaces unless their access role restricts it.
If you no longer need to use some custom field in a folder, project, or space, you can remove it. Once you do that, the field is no longer visible on that work item in any view within the workspace. But the field value is preserved so if you later add the custom field back, the values for associated tasks, folders, projects, and spaces is added back as well.
You can also hide the field when viewing the folder, project, or space in the Table view. In that case, the field is only hidden from the Table view but it's still visible in other views.
This page describes how to remove custom fields from folders, projects, and spaces. To learn how to permanently delete custom fields from the account, visit the Deleting Custom Fields page.
You can remove a custom field only if it was created from the current folder, project, or space or explicitly added to it via Table view or the custom field management panel.
If the field is visible in a folder or project because it's inherited from its parent folder, project, or space, you won't see the option to remove it. Instead, you can remove the field from the parent item, hide it on Table view, or edit the field properties to stop it from being displayed anywhere but the parent item.
You can always check the source of a custom field in the folder or project's custom field management panel.
Navigate to the relevant folder, project, or space.
Open the custom field management panel.
In the list, right-click on the custom field.
Select Remove from this folder/project.
After you complete the steps, the field will be no longer visible in the folder, project, or space and in all of its subfolders and subprojects.
Use this option if the custom field was automatically applied to the current folder, project, or space from its parent item.
Navigate to the folder, project, or space.
Switch to Table view.
Click the gear icon on the left side of the table.
Uncheck the box next to the custom field you want to remove.
Alternatively, you can hover over the title of the custon field column, click the arrow that appears to the right, and select Hide column.