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All the tasks/folders/projects waiting for your approval can be found in your Inbox. Or, you can filter tasks, folders, and projects according to their approval status, start and due date, creation date, or assigned approvers.
Create a dashboard widget to see all tasks or projects with pending approvals from one place.
To approve a task/folder/project:
Open a task, folder or, project that needs to be approved.
Find the approval panel at the top of the description field.
Hover over the number of approvers to the left of the Approve button to see who else is assigned for approval of the task/folder/project and whose approvals are pending (optional).
Click Approve or Reject.
Thereafter, the comment field appears where you can add some details on your approval. You can skip this step by clicking Don't send.
If the approval doesn't finish automatically, then the approval creator will have to click the Finish button that appears after all approvers give their decision.
Until the approval is finished (all approvers gave their decision or it was finished manually by its author), you can undo your decision or add a comment to it. Your decision and comment are added to the task or project stream and approvals history.
If you're assigned to approve a file together with a task, folder, or project, then you have to set a decision on the file first in order to close the task/folder/project approval.