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Wrike users can invite guest users to review files from their Wrike accounts. When they do, a guest user receives an email invitation to review and can comment on and approve files without having to join an account.
Here's a guide on how guest users should proceed once you invite them to review files in your Wrike account.
Open an email inviting you to review files and click:
Proceed to Review to open files for review.
Reject to decline an invitation.
If you choose to proceed to review, a new browser tab opens where you can add comments and give your decision. You may need to enter a password if the document has been set as password-protected.
Add comments: Click one of the Proofing icon options under the image (you can choose the comment, arrow, box, or pen icon). If you're commenting on a PDF file, a text highlight option also appears.
Give your decision: Click Approve or Changes required under the image. Click Undo decision if you want to reset your decision and provide a new one.
Use the arrows on the left and right of the image to switch between files (if there are multiple files in one review).
Close the browser tab when you've finished the review.
Once you complete your review the person who assigned you will see an Inbox notification with your decision.
Guest users receive an email notification when:
They're invited to review a file.
Someone replies to their comment.
Someone @mentioned the guest user in a comment.
A new file is added to the review.
A new version of a file in review is uploaded.
If the guest reviewer selects Reject then they won't receive any of these notifications. The same applies to when you delete them from the review manually.