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Following Folders

Table 77. Availability






All users can follow folders, regular users can add any other user as a follower, and external users can make someone a follower if that item is already shared with them.

Follow a folder (or add another user as a follower) to receive notifications related to changes to tasks in that folder.

You can change your email notifications to further customize when you receive notifications related to tasks in folders that you follow.

When you add or remove someone as a follower of a folder, they receive an email notification telling them that they were added or removed as a follower.

Follow a folder

  1. Navigate to the relevant space.

  2. Select a folder from the workspace’s left-hand navigation panel 1.

  3. Use the folder icon in the top right to open the folder info panel 2.

  4. Click the following icon in the top right corner 3.

  5. Use the radio buttons if you'd like to follow 4:

    • All Tasks – receive notifications related to changes made to all tasks within the folder

    • My Tasks – receive notifications for tasks that you created, are assigned to you, or you commented on

    To add another user to follow the folder, simply type their name into the Add Follower field 5 and select them from the options that appear. They'll start following All Tasks in the folder.

Unfollow a folder

  1. Select a folder from the workspace’s left-hand navigation.

  2. Use the folder icon in the top right to open the folder info panel.

  3. Click the following icon in the top right corner.

  4. Choose Ignore with the radio buttons or Unfollow task to unfollow yourself. Alternatively, hover over a profile image and click the x that appears to unfollow yourself or another user.
