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Archiving Folders

Table 85. Availability






All users except collaborators can edit folders, and can add them to an archive location.

If you no longer regularly use a folder, but don't want to delete it, creating an archive is a great solution. You can create a personal archive in your personal space, or team archives in team spaces.

How to create an archive

  1. Navigate to the relevant space and create a folder named Archive.

  2. Add subfolders to your archive folder if you want to further organize your archive, for example, you could create subfolders for different years, or individual clients.

When an item needs to be archived you can simply move that item to the archive folder. If you ever need to take data out of the archive, you can drag and drop it in the left-hand navigation panel out of the archive back into the space that archive belongs to.


How can I keep my archive at the bottom of the left-hand navigation panel?

Organization in the left-hand navigation panel is alphabetical, so if you want your archive at the bottom of a list consider naming it zArchive.
