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All users, except for collaborators, can export Timelog view to Excel.
Timelog view shows timelog entries for all tasks and subtasks within a particular folder, project, or space. In Wrike, you can easily export the Timelog view as an Excel spreadsheet to share it with relevant stakeholders or use it for accounting.
Navigate to a folder, project, or space that has timelog entries you want to export.
Switch to Timelog view.
Click the Export button in the upper-right corner.
An XLS file automatically begins downloading to the default location for downloaded files on your computer. The file contains the full timelog table, including the columns that you chose to hide on the view.
Filter the Timelog view before exporting. This way, only certain time entries will appear in the Excel file.
On select subscription plans, you can also lock time entries before exporting the timelog to make sure that no entries get edited after the export.