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All users, except for collaborators and external users, can view other users' time entries in Timelog view. External users can only see their own time entries. Collaborators can't use Timelog view.
Timelog view shows timelog entries for all tasks and subtasks within a particular folder, project, or space. By default, when you open Timelog view, you see time entries added by all users in the current location. You can use filtering to focus on the entries of a certain user.
Navigate to the relevant folder, project, or space.
Switch to Timelog view.
Click the filters icon in the upper-left corner of the view to open the filter panel.
Under the Users section, check the box to the left of the user or users whose timelog entries you want to see.
If you don't see the user whose timelog entries you'd like to view:
Click the blue Add user link at the bottom of the Users section.
Begin typing the name of the user.
Click the user when you see their name and profile image.
Timelog view automatically updates to only show the users you've selected in the filter panel.