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All users, except for collaborators, can manage time entries on their own timesheets.
You can add new time entries and edit existing ones in Timesheets.
Option 1
Double-click the cell that aligns with the relevant date, task, and category for which you want to add a timelog entry.
Enter the number of hours or minutes you worked on the task, e.g., 1h 30m.
Press Enter on your keyboard.
Option 2
Hover over the cell with the relevant date, task, and category.
Click the + that appears.
Select + Add entry.
Enter the number of hours or minutes and the comment if necessary.
Press Enter on your keyboard.
Option 3
Right-click a cell where you’d like to add a new timelog entry.
Select Edit and comment on entries.
Click the + Add entry button in the pop-up that appears.
Enter the time and a comment (optional) for the new entry.
Press Enter on your keyboard.
Repeat Steps 3 to 5 to add all required entries.
Click anywhere outside the pop-up to see the change.
Note that in the cell, entries are summed up, while in the task's Activity Stream all entries are shown individually.
Right-click a cell with a timelog entry that you want to edit.
Select Edit and comment on entries.
In the pop-up that appears you can:
Edit the existing timelog entry.
Delete an entry by clicking the trash bin icon next to it.
Add a comment to the entry.
Enter additional timelog entries.
Press Enter on your keyboard.
You can mass change a Time Tracking category for all timelog entries in a specific row. To do so:
Double-click the cell under the Category column.
Select a different category from the list.
You can only select from categories that aren’t currently present on the timesheet for the selected task.