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All users except for collaborators and external users can share reports they've created.
If you create a report, you can share it with all other members of your Wrike account. You can also share reports with user groups.
Reports can't be shared with people outside of your Wrike account.
Everyone with access to a shared report sees the same data on the report. However, they are only able to open tasks, folders, and projects shared with them. Users can't open tasks, folders, and projects not shared with them, even though these items appear on the report.
If a custom field is visible on a report, then anyone with whom the report is shared sees the field on the report (same as the report creator sees it). Even if a field is not shared with a person, they still see it on a report.
Shared reports appear in the Reports list of all users they're shared with. To the right of each report name, users can see the report owner and whether the report is shared or private.
If a report is shared with you, you can:
Open the report at any time to view it.
Change how data is viewed in the report. For example, you can select which columns to show, change groupings, expand/collapse groups, etc. These changes don't affect anyone else’s version of the report. Please note, these changes aren't saved, and the report resets to the original format after you exit it.
Export the report’s data to Excel.
If a report is shared with you, you can't:
Share the report with any additional users.
Edit the report via Report Builder.
Go to the Home page.
Click Reports on the right.
Select the report you want to share.
Click Share in the upper-right corner of the view. The button will be called Shared if the report is already shared with some users.
Select the users or user groups you would like to share the report with.
Click Save.
The report appears in the Reports list of all users who it's shared with. You can unshare it at any time.