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Deleting Users

Table 7. Availability






Account owners and admins can delete users from their accounts. Once a user is deleted they won’t be able to access their account and you won’t be able to restore them. In Enterprise accounts, admins may have this right disabled.

If you’re a regular user and would like to leave an account, please reach out to one of your account admins.

When you delete a user:

  • All tasks, folders, projects, and spaces created by the user, but shared with other users, are still accessible by those users.

  • Tasks, folders, projects, and spaces that only the user had access to will become inaccessible.

  • Recurrences created by the user stop (no new tasks are created in the sequence).

  • All comments, attachments, and changes made by the user will remain visible, but the user’s profile image is replaced by a generic image wherever it appears.

  • If the user was assigned to tasks, you can no longer filter by them as an assignee.

  • If the user has other Wrike accounts they'll still be able to access those accounts and none of their information in those accounts will be affected.

We recommend reassigning all tasks before deleting a user so that no tasks or projects are forgotten.

You can select to transfer all user data from the deleted user to any other regular user in the account. This way the selected user will get access to all the items created by the deleted user.

Delete a user

  1. Click your profile image in the workspace's upper right-hand corner.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under Account Management select Users in the left-hand menu 1.

  4. Click the name or profile image of the user you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete user in the panel that appears 2.

  6. Check the box to transfer data from the deleted user to any other regular user in the account 3. The list of all the transferred items is given below.

  7. Select a user you want to grant access to the deleted user's items 4.

  8. Check the box at the bottom of the panel to have Wrike send the user an email warning them that they can no longer access their account 5.

  9. Enter your password 6 and click Delete User 7 (not necessary on accounts with SAML SSO).


You can delete multiple users at once using mass actions.

Data transfer to another user

When you choose to transfer items from the deleted user to another user in the account, this user will see a new folder in their workspace called Name of the user – deleted user resources. All the tasks/projects created, owned, or assigned to the deleted user can be found in this folder. Links to other resources (reports, dashboards, custom fields, etc.) can be found in a task within this folder where all the items created and owned by the deleted user are listed.

Items shared with the deleted user but not with the successor will then be shared with the successor. If the deleted user had a higher access role to a specific item, the successor’s access role for this particular item will be updated.


What happens


All relevant items are divided into two categories:

  • Assigned tasks and projects

  • Created tasks and projects


All the folders that the user had access to will also be shared with the successor.


If the deleted user is a space admin, the successor also becomes an admin for this space.

Personal space

The successor becomes the admin of the deleted user’s Personal space. Note that the successor won’t be able to access smart lists of the deleted user (Created by me and My to-do).

Deleted items

The successor can see and restore data from the deleted user’s Recycle bin (items become shared with them and show up in their own Recycle bin).


Dashboard ownership is transferred to the successor. All the dashboards shared with the deleted user are also shared with the successor with the same access role.


Reports ownership is transferred to the successor. All reports shared with the deleted user are also shared with the successor.


Calendars ownership is transferred to the successor. All calendars shared with the deleted user are also shared with the successor with the same access role.

Request Forms

Request forms assigned to the deleted user are reassigned to the successor. Request forms visible to the deleted user also become visible to the successor.

Custom fields

Custom fields created by the deleted user or shared with them are also shared with the successor.

Automation rules

Ownership of the automation rules created by the deleted user is passed to the successor. Ownership includes rule management and email notifications about the rules.
