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In some cases, both regular users and admins can add new users to your Wrike account, in others only admins. This will depend on your security settings.
Admins on Professional, Business, or Enterprise accounts can restrict invitations to users with a certain domain. Learn more on the page Restrict User Invites by Domain.
Adding a new user will give that person the potential to access your Wrike account. You can still choose which things to share with them.
There are several ways to invite a new user to your Wrike account.
With the Add users button:
Open your Wrike workspace.
Click Add Users (located in the right of the page footer) 1.
In the dialogue box that appears, enter:
The email address of the person or people you want to invite 2.
The type of license they should have 4.
(Optional) Click Add to group to select a user group the new users should be added to 3.
Click Invite users 5.
Via Sharing:
Open a task, click the Shared with icon 1 or right-click a folder or project from the workspace's left-hand navigation panel, and click Share.
Enter the full email address of the person or people you want to invite to Wrike 2.
Click Invite to Wrike 3.
In the dialogue box that appears, select if you'd like them to be a regular user, external user, or collaborator.
Click Invite User.
The task, folder, or project is automatically shared with the invitee when they accept the invite.
From the User Management page (possible for admins only):
Click your profile image in the workspace's upper right-hand corner.
Click Settings.
Under Account Management select Users 1 in the left-hand menu.
Click Add new users 2.
In the dialogue box that appears, enter:
The email address of the person or people you want to invite 3.
The type of license they should have 4.
(Optional) Click Add to a group to select a user group the new users should be added to 5.
Click Invite users 6.