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To download individual attachments, hover over the name of the attachment and click the arrow icon that appears to the right. Alternatively, you can:
Open the task, folder, or project with the attachments you'd like to download.
Right-click the attachment (located under the description field).
Select Download. 1
It’s possible to download files the same way from Files view, as well as from the Files dashboard widget.
To download multiple files, check the boxes to the left of the file names and click Download, which appears on the panel above the attachments.
To download all attachments:
Open the task, folder, or project with the attachments you'd like to edit.
Click the menu icon on the right side of the attachments section. 1
Select Download all. 2
You can download all files shared with you within one folder, project, or space. To do so, switch to Files view, select all the files, and click Download on the panel above the list of files.