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Open the task, folder, or project where you'd like to create and attach the file.
Click Attach files. 1
Hover over Google Drive. 2
Select Create new file. 3
In the pop-up that appears, choose what type of file you'd like to create: document, spreadsheet, or presentation. 4
Enter a title for your file 5 and click Create. 6
Your newly created document will appear in a new window.
Add information to your file and close the window whenever you're ready.
Your file is now attached to the task, folder, or project that you created it from in Wrike. All users who have access to the task, folder, or project will be able to access the file.
If this is your first time adding or creating Google Drive files from Wrike, you'll be prompted to enter your Google Drive credentials and grant Wrike access to your Google Drive files.
If the task, folder, or project where you create your Google Drive file is shared with someone who has a Google account, then your file is automatically shared with that person in Google Drive. To unshare the file, you’ll need to first unshare the current task in your Wrike workspace and then do the same in your Google account.