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The Overview section of the Analytics view shows main stats related to tasks in that folder, project, or space. Click metrics within the section to see a list of tasks that fall within that category. In the Overview section, you can see:
Task Digest includes a pie chart that shows tasks in the folder, project, or space grouped by either status or due date. This section also includes data on the number of unassigned, important, and overdue tasks.
Milestones shows the date of your next milestone as well as the number of upcoming milestones.
Task Duration shows a sum of durations for planned tasks in the active status.
Tracked Time displays how much time has been tracked for tasks in the folder, project, or space.
Top Performers shows the three users who have completed the most tasks in the folder, project, or space.
Conflicts shows any dependency-related conflicts in the folder, project, or space. For example, if a dependent task is scheduled to finish after its milestone, a warning appears.