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Performance Chart in Analytics View

Table 92. Availability






The Performance Chart shows a breakdown of tasks by scheduled dates or status, and is helpful for identifying peak and low productivity periods. The left side of the chart breaks down tasks by date, and the graph on the right shows an overview of tasks over time. Task categories shown on the chart include:

  • All tasks

  • Planned tasks: tasks with a due date

  • Due by this date: tasks that are due on the given date (or earlier)

  • Total completed: tasks with a completed status

  • Completed: tasks with a completed status; backlogged tasks are excluded

Filter tasks on the Performance Chart

  1. Click the three-dot menu at the upper right-hand corner of the chart.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Click the drop-down arrow to the left of Include tasks. Here you'll see options to include tasks assigned to everyone or specific user(s), or created by anyone or specific user(s).

  4. Use the toggles to the left of each task type to either view or hide those tasks on the chart.

  5. Click Save Report.

Adjust the chart’s time frame

  1. Click the slider icons at the bottom of the chart.

  2. Drag the sliders left or right to adjust the time frame that the chart shows.
