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All users except collaborators can duplicate projects.
Duplicate a project to quickly copy its data and contents.
When you duplicate a project, the owner, workflow, start and end dates, custom fields, subprojects, and dependencies between tasks are automatically duplicated as well. Project status isn't duplicated and the new project has the first status in its workflow. Comments from the project aren't copied.
Navigate to the space that contains the relevant project.
Right-click a project from the left-hand navigation panel in your workspace.
Click Duplicate 1 and a pop-up appears where you can:
Change the project name (optional) 2.
Select a new location (optional) 3. Select the folder, project, or space where your duplicated folder should be added. If you don’t pick a new location, the copy is created in the same location as the original.
Add a prefix (optional) 4. Text added in the prefix field is added to the beginning of the titles of all items within the duplicated project (this includes subprojects, subfolders, tasks, and subtasks).
Check the boxes under What to copy 5 to select what you'd like to duplicate:
Tasks: Copy all of the project tasks and subtasks.
Description: Copy the task descriptions as well as the project description.
Attachments: Copy items attached to tasks and the project info panel.
Assignees: Copy task assignees.
Custom field values: Duplicated tasks will always have the same custom fields as the original tasks, but you can check this box to copy data from the original tasks to the new tasks.
Custom fields inherited from top-level folders, projects, and spaces won’t be copied if you change the project location when duplicating.
Reschedule 6: Leave this box unchecked to make the task dates identical to the scheduled dates in the original project. Check this box to set the start date of the first task or due date of the last task in the project. All other tasks will be rescheduled accordingly.
(Optional) check Add another 7 so that the dialog box remains open and you can duplicate another project (you can configure each project differently using this option).
Click Duplicate 8.