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Project health is available on Business accounts and up. All users, including collaborators, can see project health.
As well as automatically measuring project progress, you can use project health to color-code your projects. The project progress icon will be highlighted in a color indicating its health.
Navigate to the relevant project and click it to open its project info panel.
Click the project progress bar 1 in the top right-hand corner.
Check the box next to Show project health 2.
Project health can only be enabled when project progress is enabled.
Wrike uses four colors to indicate project health.
Green: The project isn't overdue and has zero risks.
Amber: The project isn't overdue but has at least one risk.
Red: The project is overdue or has all risks.
Grey: The project has a Canceled, Completed, or On Hold project status, or the start and/or finish dates aren't filled in.
There are three types of project risk calculated by Wrike.
At least one task in a project is overdue.
The due date of at least one task in a project is later than the project’s finish date.
The project has a deviation of over 25%.
Project deviation shows if your project is on track. A large deviation means that there’s a big difference between actual and planned progress.
Deviation is calculated as:
Deviation = (1 - Actual Progress / Planned Progress) * 100%
Planned progress is the number of days that have passed since the start of the project divided by the project duration.
Actual progress is progress calculated based on active metrics.