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External and regular users can reschedule or change the duration of tasks and projects on calendars created by or shared with them, provided their access role allows them to do so.
When you reschedule your task or project within a calendar, it’s rescheduled everywhere in your Wrike account.
Click and hold the task you want to reschedule.
Drag the task to the appropriate dates and release your mouse.
Wrike automatically adjusts the task and project duration if you drag them over weekends.
This is only possible on calendar layers that are set to display full duration of tasks and projects, which can be altered in the calendar settings.
Find the task or project which you would like to change the duration of in your calendar.
Hover your cursor over the task or project bar’s left or right side so that your mouse turns into an arrow.
Click and drag the bar to the left or right to change the duration.
Your schedule is now updated.