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Creating Tasks on Calendars

Table 64. Availability






All users, except for collaborators, can create tasks from a calendar grid. If the calendar is shared with the user, their access role may restrict task creation.


You can create new tasks only on classic calendar layers.

How to Create a New Task on a Calendar

  1. Navigate to the relevant calendar.

  2. Click the date you want to schedule a task for. 1

  3. In the window that opens:

    • Enter a task title. 2

    • Select a folder, project, or space to tag the task in, you can select more than one. 3

    • Select the classic calendar layer you want to add the task to. 4

  4. Click Create. 5

Your task is created, and it will immediately appear in the specified calendar layer. If that layer is hidden, it will be displayed automatically.

On week/month views, your task is created as a 1-day task, scheduled for the date you selected in step 2. On the quarter view, the created task has a 5-day duration and on the year view, the duration is 1 month.
