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All users except for collaborators in all paid accounts can use dashboards. They must have full or editor access to a dashboard to create a widget there.
Custom widgets can help when you wish to display complex information in a way that’s easy to understand and stays up-to-date. Please note that only tasks shared with you will show up in widgets. You can also create widgets from templates.
Navigate to the dashboard where you want to create a widget.
Click + New Widget in the top banner.
In the pop-up window that opens hover over Custom Widget and click Configure.
In the window that appears:
Enter the widget title 1.
Select the folders, projects, or spaces you want to include tasks from 2.
Check the Include tasks from subfolders box if you want the widget to show tasks from subfolders and subprojects 3.
Choose the sorting order 4.
Check the Show folder names box if you want to see tasks’ tags in the widget 5.
Apply the necessary filters 6. The preview window in the middle shows which tasks will appear on the widget based on current filters.
Click Add to Dashboard 7.
A custom widget appears on the dashboard you selected. It will display all tasks shared with you that meet the criteria you specified in Step 5.
Create a dashboard widget from the List view that shows tasks from a particular folder, project, or space:
Navigate to the folder, project, or space containing tasks you want to see in a widget.
Switch to the List view.
Display or hide tasks from subfolders by using the three-dot menu next to the Leave feedback button and clicking the Tasks from subfolders option in the menu to include tasks from all descendant folders and projects.
Choose the sorting order for tasks by clicking on the sorting drop-down in the upper-left corner of the view and selecting one of the options. The order that you choose becomes the order that tasks are sorted on your widget.
Set up the filters for your widget. Click the filter icon in the upper-left corner of the window to open a full menu that contains the option to filter your custom fields. Click the name of the current filter to choose from your filter presents.
Next, click the three-dot menu button in the upper-right corner of the List view panel 1.
Hover over Add to Dashboard 2 in the menu that appears, and select the dashboard you’d like to add your widget to from the list that opens 3.
Name your widget and click the Add to Dashboard button 4.
Your custom widget is added to the dashboard you selected in Step 6 and will display tasks that are shared with you and that meet the criteria you specified in Steps 2-4. You can edit the widget criteria from the Dashboard view. Your custom widget is also available to add to other dashboards.