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All users except for collaborators in all paid accounts can use dashboards. To create widgets you must have full or editor access to a dashboard.
Widget templates allow you to simply create an up-to-date and easy-to-view source. If you need to build a custom widget for your dashboard you can learn how to do so here.
You must have a full or editor access role to a dashboard to create widgets there.
Navigate to the dashboard where you want to create a widget.
Click + New Widget in the top banner.
Select one of the available templates from the widget gallery.
Click Add to Dashboard or Configure.
Configure applies to Projects, Files, Active Tasks by Assignee, and Tasks by Status widgets. They require additional details: source folders, projects, or spaces and sorting and filtering options.
Apply any filters you want if available in this widget.
The widget is added to your dashboard. You can customize the view or edit its settings.
Project Widget
Shows all projects within the selected folders, projects, or spaces that meet specified criteria.
Active Tasks by Assignee
Shows all active tasks assigned to a user or to members of a user group and within the selected folders, projects, or spaces. Do not select a folder, project, or space to build a widget with tasks from the whole account.
Tasks by Status
Shows all tasks with a selected status within the specified folders, projects, or spaces. Do not select a folder, project, or space to build a widget with tasks from the whole account.
Starred Tasks
Shows all tasks that you've marked with a star icon. These are the same tasks that appear in the Starred section in Inbox.
Tasks Assigned to Me
Shows all tasks assigned to you with an active status.
To Do Today/This Week
Shows all active tasks assigned to you that have a scheduled start or due date for today or this week, or where today or this week’s dates fall between the task’s scheduled start and due dates. This widget does not show overdue tasks.
My Overdue Tasks
Shows all overdue tasks assigned to you with an active status.
Overdue Tasks I Created
Shows all overdue tasks that you created and have an active status but aren’t assigned to you.
Tasks I Follow
Shows all tasks where you’ve added a comment or been @mentioned, or that you’ve followed by clicking the task’s follow button.
My Pending Reviews
Available on accounts with Wrike for Marketers plan or with the Wrike Proof add-on enabled. Shows all tasks where you've been assigned as a reviewer and haven't given your decision yet.
My Backlog
Shows backlogged tasks assigned to you with an active status.
Conflicts Monitor
Shows dependency related conflicts. For example, when a task is linked to a milestone task with a finish to start dependency, and the task is scheduled to finish after the milestone.
Activity Stream
Shows updates from the Stream tab.
Shows files attached to any item or subitem (tasks, folders, or projects) within the specified folders, projects, or spaces.
Available sorting options: upload date, file name, task or project title, file size, file owner (i.e., the name of the person who uploaded the file).
View file details in the List view: Expand a file widget to see file size, upload date, and the name of the person who uploaded it.
Switch between List and Grid view:
Grid view in the Files dashboard widget is available on accounts with the Wrike Proof add-on or Wrike for Marketers plan.
Hover over a file widget on a dashboard.
Select Show as grid.