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All users except for collaborators who have full access to dashboards can rename them. Every user with access to dashboards can rearrange their dashboard list.
In addition, you can customize the widgets of dashboards you have full or editor access to.
Navigate to the list of your dashboards.
Click the current dashboard's name in the upper left-hand corner.
Hover over the name of the dashboard you want to move in the list that appears.
Click and hold the drag and drop icon on the right.
Drag the title to the appropriate location.
Let go of your mouse when the title is in the correct place.
Altering your dashboard list only affects your view.
Navigate to the dashboard you wish to change the name of.
Click the three-dot menu in the top left-hand corner.
Select Rename.
Type the new name for your dashboard and press Enter on your keyboard or click anywhere outside the field.
Renaming your dashboard changes its name for your whole team.
You can adjust widgets to fit everything on your dashboard. Please note that changes made will affect the views of other users.
To change a widget's width and height, hover over the right side of a widget or over its top or bottom respectively until your cursor changes to a double-headed arrow.
Click and hold the mouse button.
Move your cursor to resize the widget.
Release the mouse to save the new size.
You can change the order of your widgets. The changes will affect the views of other users.
Navigate to the dashboard you want to customize.
Hover over the name of the widget you’d like to move until your cursor turns into a four-headed arrow.
Click and hold your mouse and drag the widget to the appropriate location.
Let go of your mouse when the widget is in the correct place.
This option means widgets will display the names of folders that tasks are located in. The changes made won’t affect the views of other users.
This menu option is only available for custom and template widgets that display tasks. It’s not available in the Projects, Files, Conflicts Monitor, and Activity Stream widget templates.
Hover over a widget.
Click the three-dot menu button that appears in the upper-right corner of the widget.
Select Show folder names or Hide folder names in the menu.