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All users except for collaborators in all paid accounts can use dashboards.
Create a dashboard and add widgets to help you manage and monitor your tasks. Each widget shows tasks that meet the specified criteria. You can use Wrike’s prebuilt widgets or build custom widgets to see tasks that match the filters you apply.
You can access your dashboards from the right-hand menu on your Home page. In addition all dashboards in Wrike belong to one particular space, so they can also be accessed under Tools in the left-hand menu of their space. While each dashboard can belong to only one space, they can contain data from any number of other folders, projects, and spaces.
Dashboard names appear in the top right of the dashboard view. Click the current dashboard’s name and select the dashboard you want to view.
Each widget appears as an individual panel; the widget’s name is listed at the top of its panel.
To open a widget in the List view, hover over it, click the three-dot menu button in the upper right-hand corner, and select Open in List view.