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AI Project Risk Prediction

Table 68. Availability





AI Project Risk Prediction is available on Business and higher accounts, and can be enabled from Wrike Labs by any user for their individual Wrike account. This is an experimental feature and as a result, it: may have bugs, is subject to change, and may be discontinued at any time. Please feel free to use the feedback links in Wrike Labs to share your thoughts on this beta feature.


AI Project Risk Prediction monitors your projects for any risks that may cause you to miss your deadlines, then assigns a risk level (low, medium, or high). AI estimations will replace the previous version of Project Health calculations (color-coding). You can find these estimations in the Project Progress window in the project info panel, Table view, the project dashboard widget, and project-based reports.

Project risk assessment takes into account a number of factors including:

  • project complexity (the number of tasks, subtasks, subfolders, and subprojects, and how they are structured)

  • the number of completed and overdue tasks

  • the number of assignees

  • task activity

  • the owner’s previous projects (if they were not completed on time this may increase the predicted risk)


Project risk information can also be shared with a user via Wrike's Automation engine.

Important Information

To get risk estimates, you'll need to

Previously, project health was based on a simple calculation. Using AI Project Risk Prediction means a machine learning approach gives you a more comprehensive risk estimate based on dozens of current and historic factors associated with your projects.

Keep in mind that the assessment of project progress (a percentage) remains the same. The color-coding is project-based. All users will see either the previous project health status or a new version with risk estimation if it's enabled it for their projects.

If the AI finds risks, it will give you 1 – 3 summaries of them in the Project Progress window, so that you can look into these potential issues and address them. (For example, it might tell you 12 tasks overdue.)


Understand your Project Risk

You'll only get project risk estimates for:

  • Projects you own or projects of account owners, who also enabled this feature.

  • Active projects which include criteria which allow for risk calculation such as duration, start date, end date, etc. (subprojects and tasks do not need to have start and end dates).

  • Projects with Project Progress activated

The more accurate and up to date the details of your projects are (start and end dates, status, project's tasks info, etc), the more accurate the risk predictions will be. The project risk is calculated each time you make changes to your projects or tasks included in your projects, and is visible after a couple of seconds.

Projects which don't meet these criteria are labelled Not assessed and marked in grey.

Your Project Risk Prediction consists of a level (low, medium, or high) and a corresponding colour which can be seen in your Project Health window:

  • Low risk - Green

  • Medium risk - Amber

  • High risk - Red
